I'm Bonnie Kirkley.
I have loved โค๏ธteaching for a long time...
Since I taught GiGi my handmade Cabbage Patch Doll (I never had a real one... but it was so much better) everything under the sun.. who knows what I babbled on and on about when I was little!
I was most excited about being in charge of school supplies (aren’t we all!) when I became a teacher.
After teaching first grade for 6 years and the fifth grade for 7 years, I knew I was a different type of educator. During the years I spent if fifth grade, I started using STEM practices. Today I have been coaching teachers using STEAM for the past 6 years. When I started with STEM, I constantly had to refigure my practices piece by piece because that's how information trickled to me. I needed and wanted a whole comprehensive program that just made sense, but... I never got one.
So I spent the last 2 years developing the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework so that you can HAVE WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED! Today, I want you to know these things
โค๏ธI still believe education can be AMAZING... it’s not there.
โค๏ธI believe the only ones that will make education better than ever ARE the teachers.
โค๏ธI know teachers need to be listened to more.
โค๏ธI believe teachers need to listen more to each other.
โค๏ธ I believe every kid deserves their own best education. The one that fits them just right.
โค๏ธI believe our kid’s parents and care takers are responsible for making education great, too.
โค๏ธ And... I believe there are so many ways to get there, but it will take many strong, brave, and not afraid to say something while also willing to listen educators.
STEAM University was created not only to give you the A to Z STEAM plan I never got, but to start giving educators the possibilities of a brighter tomorrow for education!
Sincerely, Bonnie