STE(A)M University is OPEN!

Enroll now at the BEST price ever offered!

Enroll Now!
Enroll a friend and receive the STEAMed UP Teacher Club BONUS for ONE YEAR! Just send us an email with your name and your friend's name to confirm after sign up!!


Can you relate?  When it comes to using STEM or STEAM in the classroom you just don't have time to change your lesson plans to fit it in!

You don't have time for anything confusing that isn't practical (like most STEM or STEAM curriculum seem)... You're already moving mountains while keeping 22 sets of shoes tied!

But... what if I told you that you don't have to change ANYTHING? Would you give it a go?


STEM and STEAM are growing in classrooms daily, but how do you fit it into your schedule without adding EXTRA?

It should never be EXTRA. You don't have time for that!

So how does it fit into everything K-5 teachers are already teaching?

How do I start?

What supplies will I need to use STEM/STEAM instruction sufficiently?

Why should I use it in my classroom?

Picture this...

  • Your students are excited and eager to learn each day.

  • They engage and ask questions that count more often than they share something totally unrelated during discussion..... They still squirrel sometimes, but they wouldn't be human if they didn't!

  • They are willing try things in reading and math that seem hard instead of saying they can't. They finally get that mistakes help them learn.

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that it isn't impossible. You just need to bring a few things together in your classroom in a new way. I am ready to show you exactly what to do and where to start. I have a system for creating a STEM or STEAM culture in your classroom that makes all this possible!

Lauren Zbiegien, K-5 Classroom Teacher

There’s a shift happening in education that is so exciting for students and teacher alike! Bonnie literally covers in a step-by-step framework how to create a student centered classroom based on the 4 C’s of 21st century learning. She literally provides so many resources and lesson plans for you that you’ll be wondering why you have joined STEAM University sooner!

Thatโ€™s why I can't wait to introduce you to the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework!!

If you're ready for a classroom of critical thinkers and creativity in bloom...


Using STEM or STEAM in the classroom with true impact is a journey you start, not an activity you try.

I want you to START this journey with or without me, but if you like having a traveling buddy... My bags are packed, and I am bringing the MAP!

I only wish I could have had that MAP years ago! Finally, STEM/STEAM in the classroom will make complete sense in a practical way.

We aren't going to be taking all the U-turns I had to take on my journey. By learning to use the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework, your STEM/STEAM journey will be smooth sailing!

Enroll NOW!
When you use the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework to guide instruction...

You've heard the STEM or STEAM buzz word, but you feel like that just isn't in your wheelhouse.
STEM...STEAM? Yes, please. We have opportunities for STEM/STEAM in the K-5 classroom multiple times a day through INTEGRATION.

I don't know a thing about robots or coding... that's not what I signed up for!
Robots and coding are small part of STEM/STEAM that my students and I can learn about together. We will just start small!

I don't have time for STEM/STEAM in my classroom with the amount of READING and MATH standards I have to cover.
I can't believe all the standards covered in this one project my students have been working on. And... umm.... they can talk about it and remember what they learned!

If you're ready to go from being a teacher that gets stopped from using STEM or STEAM by:


*prep time

*time to just fit it in to your busy day

*authentic STEM/STEAM instruction

*the STEAMed Up Teacher Planner included just takes the cake

to being a teacher with a plan for STEM/STEAM that makes sense and EVEN opens up time blocks in your day..

I created STEAM University for you!

For K-5 teachers who want STEM/STEAM plan that works and makes sense.... You don't have time for the fluffy stuff because you already move mountains while keeping 22 sets of shoes tied!

So, what is STEAM University anyways?

STEAM University is a 5-module program that teaches you how to start K-5 students using STEM or STEAM by creating a classroom culture of STEAM thinkers. See.. STEM and STEAM are not activities you add to your daily routine. They are both actually classroom cultures that(when taught correctly) foster a community of students who can use critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication with ease throughout the school day!

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Have a plan for STEM or STEAM that will fit into your daily schedule without adding EXTRA through integration.
  • Be able to increase student engagement like never before.
  • Finally understand  all the concepts, foundations and fundamentals, and routines that make STEM/STEAM work using the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework.
  • Have all the resources you need to make it happen in your classroom!
  • Consider yourself one heck of a STEAM teacher!

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

I need this in my life!

$149 one time payment

Tell me what I get!

  • 6 Instruction STEM/STEAM Implementation Modules/38+ Instructional Videos with Printable Guides (Valued at $599)
  • K-5 STEM/STEAM Classroom Ready Resources (Valued $108)
  • 10 Professional Development Hours
  • Bonuses (Valued at $293)
  • Total Value $1000
Here's how the program breaks down...

Let's Talk About STEM/STEAM and the Fundamentals Students Must Have

This module is GOLDEN! This is what you have been missing and searching for!

In module one, you’re going to learn:

  • Learn the foundations and fundamentals for using STEM/STEAM in the classroom that make every subject shine!
  • Meet the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework for the first time... you will be soo excited!
  • Get to know the Engineering Design Process and Design Thinking.... find out how they integrate into WRITING INSTRUCTION!
  • Start seeing ALL of the resources that will make you feel like you're in teacher heaven!

Implementing the STEM/STEAM Culture: All the How Tos

You already know the foundations and fundamentals... now it's time to put it in to action!

In module two, you’re going to learn:

  • Find out the #1 item students will need for STEM/STEAM and realize the simplicity of it makes it really work for K-5 students!
  • If you ever thought STEM/STEAM  classrooms are too chaotic... we are going to lay down a plan form classroom management that frees you up to facilitate more!
  • The HEART of STEM/STEAM will come out and play...the #1 implementation strategy that brings STEM/STEAM together. If you aren't doing this, you are missing the JOY of STEM/STEAM.

Creating Units That Make Your Life Easier

HUGE Teacher Life Hack uploading in module three! Units... that word gives me the creeps! Let me show you how to beat the unit monster!

In module three, you’re going to learn:

  • How to integrate STEM/STEAM through units and make your life easier!
  • Going to give up a little teacher TLC... what you are doing is BIG friend...BIG things take time!
  • A STEAM Template will fall into your hands during this module!

How the Creating the Culture As a Whole School Helps You

It's true... we are better together! STEAM University is for everyone: The Electives Teacher, The Classroom Teacher, and even Administrators. Find out how to start the whole school STEAM initiative!

In module four, you’re going to learn:

  • Learn how to build a team of teachers with the same mission.
  • Find out how to be your BEST self. It's a must! Resources are here to help you do just that!
  • Build relationships beyond your four walls that will skyrocket your teacher abilities!

Keep STEAMing On! Even virtually!

Yes... STEAM can still take place virtually! The proof is in the pudding.

In module five, you’re going to learn:

  • While we hope pandemic teaching is over... pandemic teaching changed education forever! Here are the best tips from REAL experience.
  • Surprise even more resources lay waiting for you!
We've built implementation into the curriculum to make sure you reach the finish line...

Throughout your course you will get support through live instruction, email, our community, and friends... yes... help through email is always there! Don't EVER feel like you have a time limit to finish your course! You can follow the 8 week recommendation or go at your OWN pace!


STEAM University is made for your success, but meant for your students. That's right... every lesson, resource, and thought put into STEAM University had your students in mind FIRST!


The STEAMed Up Teacher Community will be the first course feature that will payout ten-fold. It's the gift that keeps on giving! Get ready to meet your new teacher BESTIES!


STEAM University is loaded with over 50 classroom resources, posters, templates, virtual resources, and teacher guides. Teacher... this makes it worth it!

Enroll in STEAM University today!
Now more affordable than EVER!!
Enroll today and you'll also get access to these BONUSES...

Introduction to STEAM

Included in the bonus you will find the perfect introduction to STEM/STEAM curriculum that is completely integrated into English Language Arts. The curriculum includes 5 units with over 150 pages of curriculum and resources.

The best part: You can print the bundle or upload virtually using Google Slides/Classroom. It's ready to go!

($49 value)

Live Instructional Sessions

Once a month, live instructional calls will be hosted through Zoom and uploaded in the private STEAMed UP Teacher Facebook Group.


($149 value)

1 Month of the STEAMed UP Teacher Club.. FREE!

STEM/STEAM resources that NEVER end! The STEAMed Up Teacher Club gives you a VAULT of resources ready to go with more added each month!

($95 value)

We back our program!

If you do the work, and you’re still not satisfied, show me your work within 30 days of enrolling, and I’ll gladly give you a refund.

I believe in this product that much! I know it works because I have put it into action with many teachers!


I'm Bonnie Kirkley.

I have loved โค๏ธteaching for a long time...

Since I taught GiGi my handmade Cabbage Patch Doll (I never had a real one... but it was so much better) everything under the sun.. who knows what I babbled on and on about when I was little!

I was most excited about being in charge of school supplies (aren’t we all!) when I became a teacher.

After teaching first grade for 6 years and the fifth grade for 7 years, I knew I was a different type of educator. During the years I spent if fifth grade, I started using STEM practices. Today I have been coaching teachers using STEAM for the past 6 years. When I started with STEM, I constantly had to refigure my practices piece by piece because that's how information trickled to me. I needed and wanted a whole comprehensive program that just made sense, but... I never got one.

So I spent the last 2 years developing the STEAMed UP Teacher Framework so that you can HAVE WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED! Today, I want you to know these things

โค๏ธI still believe education can be AMAZING... it’s not there.

โค๏ธI believe the only ones that will make education better than ever ARE the teachers.

โค๏ธI know teachers need to be listened to more.

โค๏ธI believe teachers need to listen more to each other.

โค๏ธ I believe every kid deserves their own best education. The one that fits them just right.

โค๏ธI believe our kid’s parents and care takers are responsible for making education great, too.

โค๏ธ And... I believe there are so many ways to get there, but it will take many strong, brave, and not afraid to say something while also willing to listen educators.

STEAM University was created not only to give you the A to Z STEAM plan I never got, but to start giving educators the possibilities of a brighter tomorrow for education!

Sincerely, Bonnie


Resources that won't let you down!

There are so many resources we had to give them their own categories!

  • Best practices

  • Design Processes

  • STEAM Challenges

  • Other Resources

  • Art Standards

Oh yes.. I'm Ready to Enroll

Are you a perfect fit?

  • You want to start using STEM and STEAM with a greater impact on your students.
  • You have tried STEM/STEAM, but you feel like you must be missing something about it. 
  • You don't think you are qualified to teach STEM/STEAM content...PSA: You are!
  • You want to really create the Ultimate STEAM focused classroom!
If any of these sounds like you, keep reading, because you’re exactly where you need to be.
I can't wait to welcome you into STEAM University!
If you're still reading, there's something holding you back.
You may be asking yourself...
Enroll in STEAM University today!
The BEST Teacher PD and Resources are the ones YOU choose... Not your school district leaders!

$149 one time payment

Tell me what I get!

  • 6 Instruction STEM/STEAM Implementation Modules/38+ Instructional Videos with Printable Guides (Valued at $599)
  • K-5 STEM/STEAM Classroom Ready Resources (Valued $108)
  • 10 Professional Development Hours
  • Bonuses (Valued at $293)
  • One Month of STEAMed UP Teacher Club Access (Valued at $95)
  • Total Value $1000