STEAM into Writing: STEAMshop

Get ready to up the game with student engagement and achievement during writing instruction!

3 Day Workshop April 6-8


In this Workshop, you'll learn:


Why you should use STEM/STEAM during writing

So you teach English Language Arts and Writing Standards.... Why do you need to know a thing about STEM or STEAM instruction? Once you know why you should use STEM/STEAM.... you will NEVER go back!


Weekly Format for Instruction

How does this work? How can we cover all English Language Arts Standards and throw one more thing on top of it? Get a weekly format that works! Tested!


Creating the Experience

It's all about setting the stage with any subject you teach! Find out how to create experiences that embrace STEM/STEAM.... HINT: It doesn't always have to be about using manipulatives for it to be STEM/STEAM!

If you want students excited, engaged, and thinking beyond the levels you ever thought possible, this Workshop is for you!

When it comes to STEM or STEAM, I have discovered that every student... gifted, special education, ADHD, and other struggled students ARE on the same playing field with STEM and STEAM if it's built to be a CULTURE!

For the past 13 years, I have watched students who have struggled with math, reading, or writing just blossom with STEM/STEAM! Now it does take some finesse, and that, my teacher friend, IS what STEAMshop is all about! Find out how this idea works to create engaged writers, writers with ideas, writers ready to write, and writers ready to receive feedback for improvement!

Who is this Workshop for? Think about the statement below every student says at least once. (If they haven't said it.. they thought it!):

I don't know what to write about.

  • If you are an ELA teacher, I know you have heard this statement! Guess what.. they aren't lying! I know you crafted the perfect lesson, but writing from experiences is hard when experiences are limited. 
  • Have you ever considered using STEM/STEAM during READING and WRITING instruction? Guess what... that's where I began with it 13 years ago. If you are an ELA focused teacher, this Workshop is for you!
  • STEM and STEAM are both cultures not classes. Yes, there may be a STEM focused classroom or designated time where STEM/STEAM are taught, and that is OK. However and wherever it takes place... it has to be developed as a way of thinking. A culture.
  • Just an added bonus I discovered with STEM/STEAM is that building a STEM/STEAM culture improves Character Education because students really collaborate and support each other. They will learn how to deal with failures and learn from them! If you need students to begin working more like collaborators in person or virtually in groups, YEP.. this is for you, too!
  • STEM and STEAM instruction begin with teaching processes. Ummm.. so does writing instruction! Writing and the STEM/STEAM world have so many similarities they are PERFECT together!
  • If you have used STEM or STEAM in your English Language Arts Classroom or haven't... if you really just want to engage your students more during writing.. if you want to create real PURPOSE for students to write, this workshop is for you!


Join STEAM into Writing: STEAMshop

3 Day Workshop April 6-8

Yep, I'm in!

A Note From Instructor...

Hello everyone!

For the last 13 years, I have been perfecting the STEM classroom which evolved into STEAM 5 years ago.

The last 13 years have kept me excited each and every day as an educator. I have learned so much, made mistakes, cried, shouted for joy, and wouldn't change a thing! I want you to have these joys with students. I have NEVER seen students so engaged and excited than in the last 5 years working with K-5. The STEM or STEAM culture is my background, and it works for all teachers and all grades. Your students will make the FUTURE brighter with a STEM/STEAM background under their belt!

Bonnie Kirkley

PS... Go ahead and connect with me on social! You will find the links below!
