I'm READY to be in the CLUB!

If you want a plan for using STEM or STEAM that works and makes sense...

You landed in the right place!

You don't have time for the fluffy stuff because you already MOVE mountains while keeping 22 sets of shoes tied...literally!

So what EXACTLY is the STEAMed Up Teacher Club?



A monthly membership that delivers STEM/STEAM resources to your doorstep!

These aren't your average STEM/STEAM resources! These resources are full of the DESIGN PROCESSES that allow you to EASILY use them into many of your content blocks like English Language Arts!


A Teacher Club that gives you insight into what STEM/STEAM really are.... A Culture!

If you create a classroom with a STEM or STEAM culture (a way of thinking) your students find purpose for your content. REAL PURPOSE!


A Community of Teachers Like YOU!

Some of us have been around the STEM and STEAM world for a while. Some of us are new, but we all have the same goal... to make EDUCATION BETTER for today's students.


Teacher PD that's actually interesting and inspiring!

You will get to experience a small portion of STEAM University (a complete course on creating a STEAM culture)! For that my friend, you will receive 5 PD hours!


This Club is a Teacher's Best Friend

No more searching for a great activity that will prove to be fun this month, go with the content you are teaching, and excite and engage students. They come wrapped in a bow each month RIGHT to you!

"I literally was almost depressed about starting STEM remotely this year until I started STEAM University and resources from the STEAMed UP Teacher Club. I immediately got new ideas and excitement for the year to start!"

Maegan Donnell, STEM Teacher K-5

Enroll in STEAMed Teacher Club Today

$11.99 Per Month



Annual Payment of $97


When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


STEAMed Up Teacher Club Membership
(A $299 Value/ yearly)


Welcome and Introduction that includes the STEAMed Up Teacher Planner!


What's New Every Month!

Each month new STEAM projects, challenges, and virtual experiences arrive crafted just for your K-5 students!

STEAM Challenges that Rock!

Bringing you the BEST content driven STEAM challenges that will work during Math or ELA blocks!


Always accommodating the virtual teaching world, Virtual STEM/STEAM always you to carry on!

How to Videos

Instructional videos and how to's that will WOW your students!



Plus These Bonuses to Help You Implement STEM/STEAM 


Bonus 1

Monthly Live Video Sessions

Meet on a regular basis for direct strategies to help you implement resources in YOUR teaching environment!

(A $199 Value)

What You’ll Get:

Each month you will be taught new strategies for implementation with direct instruction for your personal classroom and next action steps!

  • What's working?
  • What do you need clarification on?
Bonus 2

STEM/STEAM Foundations and Fundamentals

An exact How-to start plan for STEM/STEAM

(A $37 Value)

What You'll Get:

  • Design Process Lessons and resources
  • STEAM Career Introductions
  • 5 STEAM Projects

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

STEAMed Up Teacher Club Membership - $299 Value

  • Bonus 1 - $199 Value
  • Bonus 2 - $37 Value

Total Value: $535


But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just: 

$11.99 Each Month



Annual Payment of $97 and SAVE!


Frequently Asked Questions


I can’t wait for you to join the STEAMed Up Teacher Club!


Every time I got a handle on one thing when using STEAM in the classroom, I learned that there is more! I just wish someone could have shared exactly how to use STEAM and what works.

You deserve all the things I never had! Your students deserve them, too! You don't need fluffy time fillers. You need what really will help you create a community of learners that isn't like reading a mortgage contract to understand!

What you do today or start doing will begin to shape the future of education. The power of ONE is immense, but imagine if it was the power of MANY. Let's take a journey together and start creating the kind of students that will thrive in this new world of information!

Bonnie Kirkley, I Heart STEAM Creator